Neutron spectrum determination of p+Be reaction for 30 MeV protons using the multi-foil activation technique


Stefanik Milan,Simeckova Eva,Bem Pavel,Majerle Mitja,Novak Jan,Ansorge Martin,Mrazek Jaromir,Stursa Jan


At the NPI in Rez, the p + Be source reaction was investigated for 30 MeV proton beam and thick beryllium target. For neutron field determination of the p(30)+Be source reaction in close source-to-sample distance, the multi-foil activation technique with a set of 10 activation materials (Au, Co, Lu, Ti, In, Al, Y, Fe, Ni, Nb) was utilized. From resulting reaction rates, the neutron spectrum was reconstructed using the SAND-II unfolding code. New neutron field of white spectrum up to 28 MeV has an intensity of 8.6 × 1010 cm−2s−1 close to target. The obtained neutron field extends the utilization of cyclotron-based fast neutron sources at the NPI and provides new experimental opportunities for future irradiation experiments such as fast neutron activation analysis, nuclear data validation, and radiation damage study of electronics and materials for nuclear energetics.


EDP Sciences

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