Fedotovich G.V.,Akhmetshin R.R.,Amirkhanov A.N.,Anisenkov A.V.,Aulchenko V.M.,Banzarov V.S.,Bashtovoy N.S.,Berkaev D.E.,Bondar A.E.,Bragin A.V.,Eidelman S.I.,Epifanov D.A.,Epshteyn L.B.,Erofeev A.L.,Gayazov S.E.,Grebenuk A.A.,Gribanov S.S.,Grigoriev D.N.,Ignatov F.V.,Ivanov V.L.,Karpov S.V.,Kasaev A.S.,Kazanin V.F.,Korobov A.A.,Koop I.A.,Kozyrev A.N.,Kozyrev E.A.,Krokovny P.P.,Kuzmenko A.E.,Kuzmin A.S.,Logashenko I.B.,Lukin P.A.,Lysenko A.P.,Mikhailov K.Yu.,Okhapkin V.S.,Perevedentsev E.A.,Pestov Yu.N.,Popov A.S.,Razuvaev G.P.,Rogovsky Yu.A.,Ruban A.A.,Ryskulov N.M.,Ryzhenenkov A.E.,Shebalin V.E.,Shemyakin D.N.,Shwartz B.A.,Shwartz D.B.,Sibidanov A.L.,Shatunov Yu.M.,Solodov E.P.,Talyshev A.A.,Vorobiov A.I.,Yudin Yu.V.,Zemlyansky I.M.
The data sample collected in 2011-2013 at the c.m.s. energies between 0.32-2 GeV with the CMD-3 detector operating at the VEPP-2000 e+e− collider is analzed. The collected data corresponds to an integrated luminosity about ∼ 60pb−1. The techniques for determination of the integrated luminosity for each energy setting is described. Some preliminary results of the study of the processes e+e−→ K+ K− + nπ (n = 1,2,3) with two charged kaons in the final state are presented. These processes have several intermediate states, which are important to correctly descript the angular distributions of final particles and the cross sections dependence on the energy.