Energy from biomass


Thrän Daniela


Bioenergy is the most relevant renewable energy source today. Many technologies and concepts are implemented to provide heat, power and transport fuels. While biomass is a limited resource, so bioenergy provision needs integration, not only in the energy system but also in sustainable supply systems. The use of residual and waste materials will increase and needs mobilisation strategies and utilisation technologies. Due to different biomass potentials, energy infrastructure and energy strategies in different countries, even under the transformation towards more and more renewable energy-based energy systems the areas of bioenergy application remain diverse. However, flexible and hybrid concepts are gaining importance in all energy sectors; further technology development and digitalisation are pioneers. Additionally, the interaction with hydrogen and negative emissions is relevant in the long term and needs to be researched now.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

Reference16 articles.

1. REN21 (2020): Renewables 2020 Global Status Report, (retrieved 25.06.2021).

2. Thrän D. and Pfeiffer D., “Methodenhandbuch – Stoffstromorientierte Bilanzierung der Klimagaseffekte. Methoden zur Bestimmung von Technologiekennwerten, Gestehungskosten und Klimagaseffekten von Vorhaben im Rahmen des BMWiForschungsnetzwerkes Bioenergie/BMWi-Förderbereich ‘Energetische Biomassenutzung’” Schriftenreihe des BMU-Forderprogramms “Energetische Biomassenutzung”, No. 4 (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Leipzig, Hrsg.) 2021, p. 233,

3. One Century of Bioenergy in Germany: Wildcard and Advanced Technology

4. A review of biomass potential and current utilisation – Status quo for 93 biogenic wastes and residues in Germany

5. Gaps and Research Demand for Sustainability Certification and Standardisation in a Sustainable Bio-Based Economy in the EU







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