Pion beams are important tools to study features of baryonic resonances and their decay channels because resonances are produced in s-channel at fixed mass equal to √s. In 2014 the HADES collaboration has performed systematic measurements in the second resonance region scanning around the mass of the N*(1520). Pion beams at four momenta (0.654, 0.686, 0.738 and 0.787 GeV/c) impinging on polyethylene and carbon targets have been used. With the use of the multichannel Partial Wave Analysis (PWA) the role of the N*(1520) resonance in conjunction with the intermediate ρ-meson production has been studied. Preliminary results at 0.654 GeV/c on exclusive production of two pions (ηπ+π- and pπ-π0) in the final state are presented.