Salabura Piotr,Adamczewski-Musch J.,Arnoldi-Meadows B.,Belounnas A.,Belyaev A.,Blanco A.,Blume C.,Böhmer M.,Borisenko S,Chlad L.,Chudoba P,Ciepał I.,Dittert D.,Dreyer J.,Esmail W.,Dürr M.,Fabbietti L.,Fateev S.,Fonte P.,Friese J.,Fröhlich I.,Förtsch J.,Galatyuk T.,Gernhäuser R.,Golosov O.,Golubeva M.,Greifenhagen R.,Guber F.,Gumberidze M.,Harabasz S.,Hensch R.,Höhne C.,Holzmann R.,Huck H.,Ierusalimov A.,Ivashkin A.,Kämpfer B.,Kampert K-H.,Kardan B.,Koenig I.,Koenig W.,Kornakov G.,Kornas F.,Kotte R.,Kozela A.,Kres I.,Kuboś J.,Kugler A.,Kulesa P.,Ladygin V.,Lalik R.,Lebedev A.,Lebedev S.,Linev S.,Lopes L.,Lorenz M.,Lykasov G.,Mahmoud T.,Malige A.,Markert J.,Matulewicz T.,Maurus S.,Metag V.,Michel J.,Morozov S.,Müntz C.,Naumann L.,Nowakowski K.,Otto J.-H.,Patel V.,Pauly C.,Pechenov V.,Pechenova O.,Petukhov O.,Pfeifer D.,Piasecki K.,Pietraszko J.,Prozorov A.,Przygoda W.,Pysz K.,Ramstein B.,Rathod N.,Reshetin A.,Ritman L.,Rodriguez-Ramos P.,Rost A.,Salabura P.,Scozzi F.,Seck F.,Selyuzhenkov I.,Shabanov I.,Singh US,Smyrski J.,Spies S.,Ströbele H.,Stroth J.,Stumm J.,Svoboda O.,Szala M.,Tlusty P.,Traxler M.,Ungethüm C.,Vazquez-Doce O.,Wagner V.,Weber A.A.,Wendisch C.,Wiebusch M.G.,Wintz P.,Wirth J.,Zhilin A.,Zumbruch P.
Radiative transition of an excited baryon to a nucleon with emission of a virtual massive photon converting to dielectron pair (Dalitz decays) provides important information about baryon-photon coupling at low q2 in timelike region. A prominent enhancement in the respective electromagnetic transition Form Factors (etFF) at q2 near vector mesons ρ/ω poles has been predicted by various calculations reflecting strong baryon-vector meson couplings. The understanding of these couplings is also of primary importance for the interpretation of the emissivity of QCD matter studied in heavy ion collisions via dilepton emission. Dedicated measurements of baryon Dalitz decays in proton-proton and pion-proton scattering with HADES detector at GSI/FAIR are presented and discussed. The relevance of these studies for the interpretation of results obtained from heavy ion reactions is elucidated on the example of the HADES results.