Leal Luiz,Leclaire Nicolas,Plompen Arjan,Urlass Sebastian,Junghans Arnd
The intent of this paper is to present the resolved resonance evaluation of 16O in the energy range from thermal to 6 MeV. The newness of the present work is that recent cross-section data for the 16O(n,α) 13C reaction taken at the GELINA time-of-flight facility and transmission data obtained at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR ) were included in the evaluation. The evaluation was carried out with the SAMMY code. The evaluation was used to calculate critical benchmark experiment sensitive to the 16O cross sections.
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4. Urlass Sebastian, Plompen Arjan, Alaerts Gery, Beyer Roland, Drohé Jean-Claude, Fan Xingming, Göök Alf, Heyse Jan, Junghans Arnd, Kögler Toni, Kopecky Stefan, Leal Luiz, Moscati Sandro, Nolte Ralf, Nyman Markus, Paradela Carlos, Schillebeeckx Peter, Stach Daniel, Vendelbo Danny, Vidali Marzio, Wynants Ruud, and Got Laurent Tassan-, in preparation.
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