Vasiliev A.,Pecchia M.,Rochman D.,Ferroukhi H.
The CASMO/SIMULATE/MCNP/FISPACT-II calculation route has been established at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) for reactor dosimetry and activation studies. Furthermore, the in-house tool NUSS is in use at PSI for nuclear data (ND) related uncertainties quantifications with Monte Carlo neutron transport calculations. The use of randomly sampled ACE-formatted ND files not only allows propagation of the ND uncertainties, but also can serve for assessing the applicability of different types of experimental data for validation of calculation predictions of parameters of interest. In the present work an application of the PSI calculation scheme for analysis of activation reaction rates and the fast neutron fluence (FNF), throughout the Swiss pressurised water reactor (PWR) and simplified containment building models, is demonstrated. As particular examples of potentially available experimental data, two kinds of the neutron flux monitors are considered: a) the reactor pressure vessel scraping samples and detectors placed in the dosimetry channels, mounted at the core barrel and designed for validation of FNF calculations, and b) the ex-vessel dosimeters, specifically used by the Swiss waste management organisation (NAGRA) for validation of bio-shield activation predictions. The calculations were done with the ENDF/B-VII.1 library. The obtained results demonstrate importance of the ND uncertainties for the dosimetry evaluations. The assessment of the applicability of the selected experimental information for validation of the bio-shield irradiation calculations was done based on evaluation of the ND-related Pearson correlation coefficients.
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