La Cognata Marco,Pizzone Rosario G.,José Jordi,Hernanz Margarita,Cherubini Silvio,Gulino Marisa,Rapisarda Giuseppe G.,Spitaleri Claudio
The Trojan Horse Method is applied to the investigation of the 18F(p,α)15O reaction, by extracting the quasi free contribution to the 2H(18F,α15O)n process. For the first time the method is applied to a reaction of astrophysical importance involving a radioactive nucleus. After investigating the reaction mechanism populating the a + 15O + n exit channel, we could extract the 18F(p,α)15O cross section and calculate the astrophysical factor over the 0 – 1 MeV energy interval. The possibility of exploring the cross section with no need of extrapolation allowed us to to point out the possible occurrence of a 7/2+ state at 126 keV, which would strongly influence the trend of the astrophysical factor at the energies of astrophysical interest. However, the low energy resolution prevents us to draw definite conclusions. Possible astrophysical consequences are also discussed, motivating further work on this reaction.
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