Wang M.L.,Zhang G.X.,Zhang G.L.,Hu S.P.,Qu W.W.,Zhang H.Q.,Huang Z.,Xiang J.B.,Yao Y.J.,Sun H.B.,Valiente-Dobón J.J.,Testov D.,Goasduff A.,John P.R.,Siciliano M.,Galtarossa F.,Francesco R.,Mengoni D.,Bazzacco D.
This short paper presents the investigation of reaction mechanism induced by 6Li through a particleγ coincidence measurement. The data have been taken from a 6Li+89Y experimentwhich is performed inINFN-LNL, Italy. In this experiment, the light charged particles are detected by a Siball, named EUCLIDES, and the γ rays are collected by a HPGe detector array, called GALILEO. In this contribution, scientific motivations, experimental details and some results, such as αγ analysis, are presented.