1. Workshop on Physics with Neutral Kaon Beam at JLab, JLab, VA, USA, Feb. 2016.
2. Physics opportunities with secondary KL beam at JLab, Spokesperson: Amaryan M. (GlueX Collaborations), JLab LoI12–15–001, Newport News, VA, USA, 2015.
3. Albrow M. et al. Mini-Proceedings of the Workshop on Physics with Neutral Kaon Beam at JLab (KL2016), JLab, VA, USA, Feb. 2016, edited by Amaryan M. et al.; arXiv:1604.02141 [hep-ph].
4. Workshop on Excited Hyperons in QCD Thermodynamic at Freeze-Out, JLab, VA, USA, Nov. 2016.
5. First results from the GlueX experiment