Maslikov Alexander,Volkov Guennady
The questions on the existence of the three color quark symmetry and three quark-lepton generations could have the origin associated with the new exotic symmetries outside the Cartan-Killing-Lie algebras/groups. Our long-term search for these symmetries has been began with our Calabi-Yau space classification on the basis of the n-ary algebra for the reflexive projective numbers and led us to the expansion of the binary n = 2 complex and hyper complex numbers in the framework of the n-ary complex and hyper-complex numbers with n = 3, 4, … where we constructed new Abelian and non-Abelian symmetries. We have studied then norm-division properties of the Abelian nary complex numbers and have built the infinite chain of the Abelian groups U(n–1) = [U(1) × … × U(1)](n–1). We have developed the n-ary holomorphic (polymorphic) analysis on the n-ary complex space NC{n}, which led us to the generalization of the quadratic Laplace equations for the harmonic functions. The generalized Laplace equations for the n-ary harmonic functions give us the n-th order homogeneous differential equations which are invariant with respect to the Abelian n-ary groups U(n–1) and with some new spatial properties. Further consideration of the non-Abelian n-ary hyper-complex numbers opens the infinite series of the non-Abelian TnSU(n)-Lie groups(n=3,4,…) and its corresponding tnsu(n) algebras. One of the exceptional features of these symmetry groups is the appearance of some new n-dimensional spinors that could lead to an extension of the concept of the SU(2)-spin, to the appearance of n-dimensional quantum structures -exotic “n-spinor” matter(n = 3, 4, … - maarcrions). It is natural to assume that these new exotic “quantum spinor states” could be candidates for the pra-matter of the quark-charge leptons or/and for the dark matter. We will be also interested in the detection of the exotic quantum ’n-spinor” matter in the neutrino and hadron experiments.
Reference11 articles.
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