1. E. Ziane, C. Coddet, G. Béranger,Matériaux & Techniques, Spécial Collage-Contrôles et Essais (1987) 14-20
2. B. Charon,Matériaux & Techniques, Spécial Collage (1988) 3-7
3. ASTM Standard D 1002-72, Strength properties of adhesives in shear by tension loading (metal to metal), 1972
4. ASTM Standard D 4501, Shear strength of adhesive bonds between rigid substrates by the block shear method, 1985
5. B. Hassoune-Rhabbour, V. Nassiet, Y. Baziard, J.-A. Petit, 7th European Adhesion Conference EURADH'2004, edited by Dechema, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, September 5-9 2004, pp. 593-598