Prompt alpha eigenvalue calculations with TRIPOLI-4


Zoia Andrea,Brun Emeric,Malvagi Fausto


Monte Carlo criticality analyses aimed at determining reactor parameters have been historically based on iterative algorithms whose outcome is the effective multiplication coefficient (keff), i.e., the fundamental eigenvalue of the transport equation. Less attention has been comparatively paid to Monte Carlo algorithms for the estimation of the so-called (prompt) α eigenvalues, which provide information about the (prompt) time evolution of the system. In recent years, this issue has witnessed a renewed interest, mostly due to increased computer power, allowing for reliable and stable search strategies for assessing the fundamental α eigenvalue. In this work, we revisit the theory behind α eigenvalues and propose a Monte Carlo iterative algorithm for the development version of Tripoli-4. In order toillustrate the algorithm, some significant examples are finally discussed.


EDP Sciences

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