Digging into the ancestral stocks of Jurassic lineages: ostracods (Crustacea) from Carnian (Late Triassic) sponge mounds from the Maantang Formation (South China)


Forel Marie-BéatriceORCID,Thuy BenORCID,Wisshak MaxORCID


Microbial-sponge reef mounds of the Carnian, Late Triassic, Maantang Formation crop out along the northwestern margin of the Sichuan Basin in South China. Samples from three mounds have been investigated and their ostracod assemblages are here described for the first time. Thirty-three species are present, distributed into 19 genera, including five newly described species:Carinobairdiacabralaen. sp.,Hiatobairdia senegasin. sp.,Hiatobairdiazhengshuyingin. sp.,Hungarella gommeriin. sp,Pontocyprella goussardin. sp. While most of the encountered genera are already known from the Carnian stage worldwide, the Maantang assemblages are precursors in providing the oldest occurrences of the family Schulerideidae, typical of the Middle and Late Jurassic of Europe, and of the genusCarinobairdia, which was until now restricted to the Norian-Rhaetian interval. These records demonstrate the underestimated importance of the easternmost Tethys in the early Mesozoic evolution of marine ostracods. Some important Jurassic European taxa might have originated on the eastern margin of the Tethys during the Carnian, migrated to the western Tethys later during the Late Triassic and diversified there up to the record known for the European Jurassic. Microbioerosion trace fossil analysis of associated brachiopod shells revealedOrthogonum giganteumas the sole identifiable ichnotaxon and represents the first record of this ichnospecies in Triassic strata. The complete absence of microborings produced by phototrophic trace makers points towards aphotic depths for the deposition of the Maantang Formation, providing independent evidence suggesting that typical shallow water ostracods (Carinobairdia, Schulerideidae) radiated in relatively deep settings.


EDP Sciences



Reference203 articles.

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4. Baird W. 1850. The Natural History of the British Entomostraca. London: Ray Society, 364 p.








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