1. J.-P. Allouche, J.L. Davison, M. Queffélec and L.Q. Zamboni,Transcendence of Sturmian or morphic continued fractions. Preprint (1999).
2. Représentation géométrique de suites de complexité $2n+1$
3. J. Berstel and P. Séébold,Sturmian words, edited by M. Lothaire, Algebraic combinatorics on Words (to appear).
4. J. Cassaigne,Ideas for a proof of Rauzy's conjecture on the recurrence functions of infinite words, talk in Rouen ``words 1999''.
5. N. Chekhova, P. Hubert and A. Messaoudi,Propriétés combinatoires,ergodiques et arithmétiques de la substitution de Tribonacci. Prepublication 98-24 IML.