1. Amblard P, Louise C, Zambrano J, et al. El programa de mejoramiento de la palma aceitera de PalmElit y de sus socios en Ecuador y Colombia. “Challenges in sustainable oil palm development”. 2009 XVI Palm Oil International Conference, 23rdto 25thof September 2009, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
2. Breton F, Miranti R, Lubis Z et al. Ganoderma disease of the oil palm : hypothesis on natural infection and infection and implementation of an early artificial inoculation test to screen oil palm progenies for their level of resistance. XVI Palm Oil International Conference, 23rdto 25thof September 2009 Cartagena de Indias Colombia.
3. Intérêts des semences commerciales améliorées de palmier à huile (Elæis guineensis Jacq.)