Innovative and safe supply of fuels for reactors


Valance Stéphane,Baumeister Bruno,Petry Winfried,Höglund Jan


Within the Euratom research and training program 2014–2018, three projects aiming at securing the fuel supply for European power and research reactors have been funded. Those three projects address the potential weaknesses – supplier diversity, provision of enriched fissile material – associated with the furbishing of nuclear fuels. First, the ESSANUF project, now terminated, resulted in the design and licensing of a fuel element for VVER-440 nuclear power plant manufactured by Westinghouse. The HERACLES-CP project aimed at preparing the conversion of high performance research reactor to low enriched uranium fuels by exploring fuels based on uranium-molybdenium. Finally, the LEU-FOREvER pursues the work initiated in HERACLES-CP, completing it by an exploration of the high-density silicide fuels, and including the diversification of fuel supplier for soviet designed European medium power research reactor. This paper describes the projects goals, structure and their achievements.


FP7 Nuclear Fission, Safety and Radiation Protection

H2020 Euratom


EDP Sciences

Reference23 articles.

1. ESSANUF, ESSANUF homepage, [Online] Available from

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3. Gyori C., Blair P., Jonson M., Robertson G., van Uffelen P., Schubert A., Hatala B., Meca R., in International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE), Bled, Slovenia, 2017

4. Strömgren T., Le Moigne Y., Prediction of critical heat flux in fuel bundles using CFD, in 12 International conference on WWER fuel performance, modelling and experimental support, Bulgaria, 2017

5. HERACLES-CP, HERACLES-CP homepage, [Online] Available from

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1. Innovation and qualification of LEU research reactor fuels and materials;EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies;2023

2. The impact of biomass production on economic growth at the EU level;Western Balkan Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development;2023

3. Research Reactor Conversion to Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) Fuel;Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy;2021

4. Euratom Research and Training in 2019: challenges, achievements and future perspectives;EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies;2020







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