1. YU P. L., Cone Convexity, Cone Extreme Points and Nondominated Solutions in Decision Problems with Multiobjectives, Center for Systems Science, University of Rochester, CSS 72-02, 1972 (To appear in Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications).3817390268.90057
2. YU P. L., Introduction to Domination Structures in Multicriteria Decision Problems, Systems Analysis Program, University of Rochester, No. 7219 (In : Multiple Criteria Decision Making, edited by J. L. COCHRANE and M. ZELENY, USC Press, Columbia, 1973).443858
3. YU P. L. and ZELENY M., The Set of All Nondominated Solutions in the Linear Cases and A Multicriteria Simplex Method, Center for Systems Science, University of Rochester, CSS 73-03, 1973 (To appear in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications).4216600313.65047
4. YU P. L. and ZELENY M., On Some Linear Multi-Parametric Programs, Center for Systems Science, University of Rochester, CSS 73-05, 1973.
5. ZELENY M., Linear Multiobjective Programming, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1974, p. 220.3514400325.90033