We analysis the noncollinear Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion (SPDC) and compare the biphotons generated by the chirped Quasi-Phase-Matching (QPM) between the Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate (PPLN) and Periodically Poled KTiOPO4 (PPKTP) crystals. Due to the chirping of the crystals, the frequency response range of the biphotons would be greatly increased. For nonlinear SPDC, angular variation is limited (less than 0.06° in this paper), and the angle would narrow the frequency response range of the biphotons. We compare the effect of angle in PPLN crystals and PPKTP crystals for biphotons. Both the two crystals with chirped QPM, the single-cycle biphotons can be generated during noncollinear SPDC within a suitable angle range, which is favorable for wider applications in experiments.
Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education
Taizhou Science and Technology Project
Taizhou High-level Talent Special Support Program
Skills Master Studio in Taizhou City of Zhejiang Province