1. Daniell J.E., Schaefer A., Wenzel F., Haecker E., Bruneliere H., Pellissetti M., Moussallam N., Jockenhoevel-Barttfeld M., Rebour V., Chaumont B., Guigeno Y., Lincot C., Raimond E., Prošek A., Cizelj L., Volanovski A., Vardon P., Mohan V.K.D., Hicks M., Potempski S., Kowal K., Malesa J., Duval C., Zentner I., Dutfoy A., Le Morvan T., Wang Z., Burgazzi L., NARSIS Del1.1 – Review of state-of-the art for hazard and multi-hazard characterisation, http://www.narsis.eu/page/deliverables (2018)
2. Haecker E., Daniell J., Wenzel F., Schaefer A., Multi-hazard and Singular Hazard Screening Review for European Nuclear Power Plants: Analysis and Lessons Learned, in Proceedings from the conference held 7–12 April, 2019 in Vienna, Austria (2019)
3. Further development of matrix-based system reliability method and applications to structural systems
4. Schaefer A., Daniell J.E., Wenzel F., NARSIS Del1.8 – An open-source generic software tool for understanding combined hazard scenarios, http://www.narsis.eu/page/deliverables (2021)