Pu multi-recycling scenarios towards a PWR fleet for a stabilization of spent fuel inventories in France


Courtin Fanny,Laguerre Camille,Miranda Philippe,Chabert Christine,Martin Guillaume


Nuclear scenario studies are performed to explore the impact of possible evolutions of nuclear fleets. The nuclear fuel cycle simulation tool COSI, developed by CEA, is used to model these dynamic scenarios and to evaluate them with respect to uranium and plutonium management, fuel reprocessing and waste production. In recent years, scenarios have focused on transitions from the current nuclear French fleet to a deployment of SFR. However, the French Multi-annual Energy Planning has recently postponed the deployment of this technology to the second half of the 21st century. Alternative solutions of plutonium management in PWR are investigated to stabilize total inventories of spent nuclear fuels. The MIX concept is based on homogeneous fuel assemblies where fuel rods are composed of plutonium blended with enriched uranium. In this study, a transition from the current French fleet to an EPR™ fleet is simulated. Two power capacities of the future EPR™ fleet are considered. A progressive deployment of fuel multi-recycling in the EPR™ fleet is implemented to enable stabilization of all spent fuels and plutonium inventories. Natural uranium consumption is also minimized thanks to ERU fuel batches in EPR™. Results are compared with plutonium and uranium mono-recycling in a PWR fleet.


EDP Sciences

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