Sewohl André,Schleinitz Armin,Schlegel Holger,Putz Matthias
In the area of production engineering, there are ongoing efforts to improve manufacturing strategies and processes in terms of stability, quality and efficiency. One possibility for ensuring stable process conditions and reducing rejected parts is closed loop control of quality determining parameters. For many applications, the machining forces often represent the limiting factor for the design of the processes and the choice of parameters. As a controlled value, they are predestined for ensuring process stability and safety. For the tasks and problems of forming technology, control of process forces is not yet mature and offers significant potential for improvement. The drafting of sophisticated control concepts, which enable a mutual use or a combination of force and position control, is the focus of future developments. The design and implementation of a force control for a forming demonstrator with coupled servo drives is described in this publication. The combination of force and position control is realized by direct switching. In addition, further combination options and structures are explained. The focus here is first on the parameterization of the force control and the assessment of the control performance using appropriate comparison criteria in the time domain.
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