1. Şimon A. B., Ghicioi E., Vlasin N., Florea D., Vass Z., Programming and use of stepper motors in research of air – methane explosive atmospheres, Proceedings of the 20th Young people and multidisciplinary research ISYPMR 2018, Romania, pp 17-22, 2018;
2. Open Impulse, 42BYGHW609 Stepper Motor Datasheet, Available on https://www.openimpulse.com/blog/document-viewer/?pdf_file=42BYGHW609-Stepper-Motor-Datasheet1.pdf
3. DFRobot V.1.2, Stepper Motor Driver User Guide, Available on https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=558523.0;attach=266385
4. Arduino User Guide, Getting Started with Arduino and Genuino products, Available on http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/HomePage/
5. Vlasin N., Ghicioi E., Florea D., Vass Z., Chiuzan E., Researches regarding gas explosions by combined imagistic methods, Proceedings of the 18th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2018, Bulgaria, Vol. 18, pp 777-783, 2018;