Study of the possibility of implementation in Finland of the Passivhaus concept in order to reduce energy consumption


Tataru Andreea Cristina,Stanci Aurora


Passive building has been defined by Wolfgang Feist, Passivhaus Institut, as being the building that demand for heating must not be more than 15 kWh/m² year, and total consumption of primary energy should not be more than 120 kWh/m² year. In this paper we strive to study at the concept of ’passive house’ in the Finland. Using the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) software 2007 calculate the heating requirements for such a House, depending on the latitude and climate conditions in the locality. For the study were selected 6 cities from Finland placed to different latitudes and climatic areas. To determine the possibility of implementing the concept ”passive House” must be determined: required heating, cooling demand and primary energy demand. In order to implement this concept should not exceed maximum limits.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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