1. GD no.1146 (2006) Available on https://osha.europa.eu/fop/romania/ro/legislation/hotarare_1146_30_august_2006.shtml
2. GD no.1091 (2006) Available on https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_protect/---protrav/---ilo_aids/documents/legaldocument/wcms_400217.pdf
3. ANRE, NTE 007/08/00 (2008). Available on https://www.anre.ro›download/ORDIN_38_NTE_007_Normativ%20(2).pdf
4. Standard SR EN ISO 10075-2 (2000)
5. INCDPM, Technical expertise on the assessment of working conditions of electrical installations for SC Electrica SA, between 1969-2001 required to establish group I work conditions, (2010)