Ensuring the safety of workers in underground electrical installations - professional risk assessment


Buică Georgeta,Antonov Anca Elena,Beiu Constantin,Pasculescu Dragos,Dobra Remus


Occupational risk assessment is a prevention tool used to manage safety and health at work in the national economy sectors of activity. Within the operation and maintenance in underground electrical installations, several major risk factors are identified, mainly due to work equipment cumulated with risk factors generated by the work environment and workload. To highlight the working conditions and the technical requirements of the underground electrical installations, the activity carried out for 50 years was analyzed, taking into account the lifespan of the electrical installations. Also, the events and accidents at work, the assessments of the risk in the workplace was analysed and represents a synthesis of research studies carried out so far. The research highlights the role of safety measures aimed to ensure the safety and health of workers working in underground electrical installations, mainly about work equipment and the means of work against electrocution to efficiently manage occupational risks and reduce workplace accidents and occupational disease, as well as technical events in electrical installations.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

Reference16 articles.

1. GD no.1146 (2006) Available on https://osha.europa.eu/fop/romania/ro/legislation/hotarare_1146_30_august_2006.shtml

2. GD no.1091 (2006) Available on https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_protect/---protrav/---ilo_aids/documents/legaldocument/wcms_400217.pdf

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4. Standard SR EN ISO 10075-2 (2000)

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