1. Technical regulations for fire safety requirements. Federal Law No. 123 (in red. Federal Law of 10.07.2012 No. 117). Rossiyskaya gazeta [Russian Newspaper] (2008), No. 163. (rus).
2. National standard of Russia 30247.0-94 Elements of building constructions. Fire-resistance test methods. General requirements. Information on http://docs.cntd.ru/document/gost-30247-0-94 (on Russian)
3. National standard of Russia 30247.1-94 Elements of building constructions. Fire-resistance test methods. Loadbearing and separating constructions. Information on http://docs.cntd.ru/document/gost-30247-1-94 (on Russian)
4. National standard of Russia 53305-2009 Smoke shields. The test method for the fire resistance. Information on http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200071868 (on Russian)