1. Directive 2001/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2001 on the allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and the levying of charges for the use of railway infrastructure and safety certification, Available online: http://data.europa.eu/eli/dir/2001/14/oj (2001)
2. Ukupan izravni kapacitet koridora željezničkog prijevoza na posebnim mrežama željeznica
3. SŽDC, The Network Statement on nationwide and regional rail networks, Available online: http://www.szdc.cz/en/soubory/ prohlaseni-o-draze/2017/prohlaseni-2017.pdf (2016)
4. ŽSR, Network Statement 2016/2017, Available online: http://www.zsr.sk/buxus/docs/Marketing/SVen/2017/Network_Statement_2016-2017-1.pdf (2017)
5. ÖBB, Network Statement ÖBB, Infrastruktur AG rail network, Available online: http://www.oebb.at/infrastruktur/en/_p_Network_Access/Product_Services__Prices/02_DMS_Dateien/_Train_Path.jsp (2016)