Physical and energetic approach to providing solid wastes handling system with environmental safety


Paramonova Oksana,Bespalov Vadim,Gurova Oksana,Krivtsova Natalya


Implementation features of the principal directions of municipal solid wastes handling system activity (territorial, climatic, economical and others) have stipulated the development of different concepts regarding to urban territories wastes handling, the most known of which are: Complex Waste Management, European Waste Management system (German dual system); «Zero Waste» concept. Each of the above mentioned concepts have got both advantages and disadvantages from ecological, economical, social, technological and organizational and legal points of view. From a perspective of the urban infrastructure environmental safety, an ecological aspect is the most interesting. That is why a new approach is being studied based on the principal points of the Theory of disperse systems sustainability which is called Physical and Energetic Description Concept of the Processes of Environmental Pollution and Restriction of Environmental Pollution with Municipal Solid Wastes. On the basis of the analysis of the municipal solid wastes handling concepts applied in the world and using the principal points of the theory of dispersed system sustainability, the results of the initial stage of the research regarding to studying and classifying municipal solid wastes properties parameters, their energetic parameters and sustainability have been represented by the authors. Herewith, the municipal solid wastes sustainability is considered as a resulting criterion characterizing municipal solid wastes behavior in the environment and allowing to control their behavior with the purpose of sustainability restriction and as a result decreasing the environmental pollution.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

Reference20 articles.

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2. Development of an integrated approach to the selection of remediation measures and environmental technologies for their implementation;E3S Web of Conferences;2021

3. Increasing the Efficiency of Engineering Systems of Power Supply and Waste Management;Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering;2020-12-24







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