1. XVII International Investment Forum Sochi-2018 (http://forum-in-sochi.ru/, 2018)
2. Minecom prepared an infrastructure mortgage plan (http://finamz.ru/2017/11/28/minek-podgotovil-plan-infrastrukturnoj-ipoteki, 2018)
3. The construction of the Crimean bridge across the Kerch Strait to the end of the final (http://www.1rre.ru/72991-krymskij-most-obeshhayut-dostroit-v-oglashennyj-srok-na-2018-god.html, 2018)
4. Cost of the World Cup 2018 (https://og.ru/sports/2017/02/06/86672, 2018)
5. Kamenetskiy M. I., Yaskova N. Yu., Scientific Papers: Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 10, 243–256 (2012)