Studies regarding the structuring of physical effort of rescuers in the process of practical training in the mobile training facility


Ilie Cosmin,Găman George Artur,Pupăzan Daniel,Nicolescu Cristian,Gireadă Andrei


The rescuer's performance falls into the category of "hard work", in terms of effort, far exceeding the average overall labor consumption of the worker from the active fronts of work. This character, of hard work, is also imprinted by the fact that the professional effort contains several static components and large amplitude oscillations, regarding the level of maximum efforts. The longer they last, the harder is the work. Training is a process of psychophysiological preparation through which an increased performance is obtained in the professional activity of rescuers. The maximum performance is obtained by raising the functional capacity of the body to the highest degree. For this it is necessary to use the systematic and methodical exercise according to pedagogical rules. The paper presents the evolution of physiological parameters, as well as the structuring of the physical effort of rescue personnel in the process of practical training in the mobile training facility, with the aim of preparing rescue teams for situations close to real ones. The mobile training facility consists of a physical training space (endless ladder, impact device, treadmill, elliptical bike, stepper), an indoor training circuit and a control room that allows the coordination of all activities.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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