Methods of Temperature Monitoring in Low Voltage Electrical Cables using Composite Materials


Drăghici Mircea Florin,Stoicănescu Maria


The article presents the most important methods and technologies used to monitor the temperature of low voltage power supply cables, which supply 400V in three-phase mode, trying to highlight the method of using composite materials, materials that are included in the material constructive of the cables, these having the role of temperature sensor. Temperature monitoring is performed along the electrical cables, to transmit in real time information on the evolution of temperatures along the entire length of the cable, at any point, during their entire life. The article will focus on the method of inserting optical fibres inside the power supply cables, which will be used as a temperature measuring instrument. Using the Reman effect, a method of reflecting the injected light at one end of the optical fibre, by processing the received signals, the evolution of the temperature inside the electric cable can be detected with great precision, over long distances and with great accuracy. the evolution of the temperature inside the electric.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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