Melnikov Gennady,Ignatenko Nikolay,Petrova Lyudmila,Suchilkin Vadim,Gromkov Andrey
Quasicrystalline film with densest package of atoms can be formed on a crystal surface under irradiating crystal surface with protonion flows at a certain ratio of atoms diameters of irradiated crystal and the ions of irradiating flow. Atom-free area of 1 Å order is formed. These are traps for protons from the irradiation stream, thus a quantum dot appears. Atomic package of quasicrystalline film is a package of equilateral Penrose rhombs and there are centers of atoms mass at the vertices. A mathematical relation is obtained that allows predicting radii of irradiation flux ions to form quasicrystalline film and select atomic composition of the obtained film with predetermined properties. Nanostructuring of materials is an entire family of physicochemical processes associated with proton transfer and their localization in crystal lattice and these include ion exchange, diffusion, and ion implantation. Ion and proton exchange can be considered an established universal method of surface modification technology [24– 26]. The case of implantation of protons into the structure of cluster systems formed on the surface of crystals is described in this paper. In this case, a quantum dot is formed in the cluster structure, which is a potential hole with quantized proton motion, wherein the radiation of quantum dot is in IR area of electromagnetic spectrum.