1. Razvitie promyshlennoj pererabotki tehnogennogo syr’ja v Rossii [The development of industrial processing of technogenic raw materials in Russia] Materials of the round table of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Ecology (Moscow, 03.14.2016)
2. Issledovanie mineral’nogo syr’ya, otkhodov i vskryshnykh porod kar’erov s tsel’yu ispol’zovaniya ikh v kachestve syr’evykh resursov i dlya zameny importiruemogo syr’ya v stroitel’noi industrii i drugikh otraslyakh promyshlennosti g. Moskvy [Research of mineral raw materials, waste and overburden of quarries with the purpose of using them as raw materials and to replace imported raw materials in the construction industry and other industries of Moscow] Report of the Research Institute of the Central Regional Geological Center (Moscow, 1995)
3. Laskorin B.N., Barskii L.A., Persits V.Z., Bezotkhodnaya tekhnologiya pererabotki mineral’nogo syr’ya [Waste-free technology for processing mineral raw materials] (Moscow, Nedra, 1984)
4. Use of Metallized Raw Materials in Electric Furnace Steelmaking
5. Production of large plates