Antonov Ilya,Tolochko Boris,Varand Alexandr,Mikhailenko Mikhail,Eltsov Ilya,Bryazgin Alexandr,Smirnov Eugene
Polymerization was carried out using the method of radiation initiation, for which benzyl methacrylate (BzMA) and isodecyl methacrylate (IDMA) were treated with a beam of accelerated electrons. It is shown that to obtain highly filled compositions, the most suitable method is the alternation of heating-cooling cycles with the gradual introduction of material particles. Tungsten composites were obtained with a calculated density in the range from 3 to 6.8 g / cm3. The absence of percolation conductivity in coatings with tungsten was found. Peel adhesion of the composite coating to the surface was 1 ± 0.3·10-1 MPa with volume fraction of tungsten more than 30%.