Research on Factors Influencing Professional Selection of Mine Rescuers


Gireada Andrei,Pupazan Daniel,Irimia Alin


High variation of efforts in the rescue activity entails very difficult demands in nature or intensity, but however limited they may be in the work process, they have an impact on the whole body. The predominance of body functions that are engaged in a professional activity, imprints the characteristics of work capacity. Thus, in the work capacity of underground personnel, whose activity requires a predominant physical effort, a main role is played by the locomotor apparatus and the kinaesthetic analyser and only secondarily by the visual and optical analysers. In the activity of rescue in toxic/explosive/flammable environments, physical and neuro-psychological demands intertwine and combine in an infinite number of variants. The paper will present the work capacity of the rescuers which is determined by a large number of factors: physiological factors, psychological factors, work environment and socio-economic factors.


EDP Sciences

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