Temperature tests of cells - uncertainty considerations


Darie Marius,Marcu Marius,Colda Cosmin,Andriș Adriana,Ionascu Marian-Emanuel


The paper presents the estimation of the uncertainty in the measurement of the maximum surface temperature of voltaic cells exposed to specific tests for the type of intrinsic safety protection. For this purpose, equivalent test conditions using the short-circuit test stand are considered. In the first part, the risk of explosion is presented and it is mentioned that the risk of explosion arises due to the presence of technical equipment in areas where flammable substances may be present. In the second part, the requirements for testing cells are briefly presented. It also introduces the configuration of the stand used for testing. The third part of the paper was devoted to presenting and discussing the results obtained. The analysis of the test results revealed that the measurement uncertainty depends on the test conditions and the application of the temperature sensors. This result would help estimate the surface temperature of cells considering the favorable conditions in terms of minimum uncertainty.


EDP Sciences

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