Applicative Study on Work Related Stress in Transport Field


Iordache Raluca Maria,Petreanu Viorica,Mihăilă Delia Cristina


The paper presents some results of an applicative study on work related stress in transport activities. The premises of this research derived from a pilot study concerning psychosocial risk factors that could determine work related stress and effects on work behaviour and health state that was developed involving five fields of activity with high exposure on work related stress (education, health, transport, banks, financial consulting). The study aimed to identify the main psychosocial risk factors in transport field and to analyse the specific results in correlation with the outcomes of the pilot study. A complex ergonomic methodology was used, and one of the main instruments used to identify psychosocial factors was the Romanian version of Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ).


EDP Sciences

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