Functional system for experimentation and testing of products for professional use - Professional risk management tool for workers performing industrial activities


Antonov Anca Elena,Buică Georgeta,Beiu Constantin,Dobra Remus


The products intended for professional use must guarantee the fulfilment of the safety and health requirements from the design phase; they are being tested in the experimentation and “zero series” stage to validate the series production. The work equipment for professional use, the industrial product prototype’s functional, operating and protection properties must be defined to establish the necessary conditions for their experimentation. In this sense, it is necessary to develop specific tools for the management of professional risks in order to take the decision at the managerial level to protect the workers who carry out industrial activities. The study presents research results regarding establishing security and compliance conditions to develop a methodology for experimentation, testing and validation of product prototypes intended to protect workers and prevent occupational risks in electrical installations. As part of the research study, a managerial tool for managing professional risks was developed in order to ensure the protection of people who carry out industrial activities and the prevention of occupational risks in the energy sector, which consisted of an intelligent decision support tool necessary for designing, experimenting the product prototype, the testing of the upgraded product model and its validation, to introduce it into series production.


EDP Sciences

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