Blumenstein Valeriy,Makhalov Maxim
The metal surface layer mechanical condition transformation at the product life cycle stages key provisions are presented. The described approach feature is the hardened body effect consideration: the metal mechanical properties changing during it displacement through the deformation zone space. On the basis of the developed for surface plastic deformation process hardened elastic-plastic body model, the cumulative shear strain level, plasticity reserve exhaustion level and residual stress tensor components calculations are performed. It is established that the greatest residual compressive stresses are characteristic for the axial component, and the extremum can be located both on the workpiece surface and at some distance from it. The metal hardening influence on the residual stresses distribution is revealed. On the axial (largest) component example shown that the difference between the maximum values is almost 30%. The obtained result corresponds to the idea that the hardened metal having an increased yield strength allows a larger residual stresses presence.
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