Determining the causes of rolling stock derailment from the track using modern research methods


Kuzyshyn Andriy,Batig Andriy,Sobolevska Julia,Kostritsa Sergei,Ursulyak Lyudmila,Dovhaniuk Stepan


The analysis of cases of rolling stock derailment from the track at PJSC «Ukrzaliznytsia» over the past 5 years has been carried out and their main types are given. It is noted that the rapid development and improvement of computer technology allows the use of computer and mathematical modelling in the study of cases of rolling stock derailment from the rail track, which makes it possible to take into account a combination of factors that have the main influence on the behavior of rolling stock when moving along the track. It has been established that the first step is the construction of a mathematical model of an object using a selected type of mathematical description: algebraic, differential, integral equations, discrete mathematics, set theory, and others. And the second step is the choice of a method for solving these models. The simulation methods are given, which, depending on the programming style, are divided into: procedural-oriented, object-oriented, logical-oriented, rule-oriented, and oriented to constraints. An object-oriented programming of a freight car has been developed, which will make it possible to evaluate its main dynamic indicators, in particular, indicators of stability from derailment. This in turn will facilitate the establishment of the main causes of rolling stock derailment from the rail track.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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