Game theory in creating supply chain logistics strategy - the possibility of applying a holistic approach


Rzeczycki A


The game theory, due to its potent ial in creat ing behavioral models, can become a tool used in the area of formulat ing or redesigning logist ic st rategies of supply chains (networks). The exist ing research in this field focuses on the analysis of individual decisions in one specific area. The art icle discusses the holist ic approach to this problem by ident ifying exist ing limitat ions and present ing a framework concept for the applicat ion of game theory in the design of supply chain logist ics st rategies. The conclusions were drawn on the basis o f theoret ical literature studies, supply chain surveys (on different level chain part icipants) and laboratory experiment . In results found that the idea of a common interpretat ion of the st rategy and the holist ic applicat ion of game theory in the search fo r opt imal solut ions to decision-making problems requires changing the approach to designing / redesigning the supply chain logist ics st rategy.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

Reference18 articles.

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