Kowalska-Koczwara Alicja,Pachla Filip
Transport vibrations are transmitted from the ground the foundations and building walls to the building and received by its construction and by people in the buildings. During the vibration of buildings, inertia forces generate an additional (apart from the static one) loading of the structure. In the diagnosis and design of buildings, these forces are taken into account by analyzing the requirements for stiffness and strength of the building structure. Exceedance of these requirements may lead to accelerated wear and even structural damages of the building. In this paper a simple relationship between ground and building vibration was made. The building chosen for analysis is light-weight wooden building located close to Cracow near Zakopianka road. What is worth noting that building is so called passive building. The excitation which was simulated on the dynamical polygon was car (bus) and truck lorry passages. The sensors were accelerations in three orthogonal directions, one sensor was placed about 2.5 m far from the building and the second on the foundation wall. The different types of excitation were compared and the conclusion from the analysis was made.