Butko Tetiana,Primachenko Hanna,Tarasov Kyrylo
Railway passenger transportation has always had a significant place in the economic, material and technical development of Ukraine. The current conditions are no exception, when in connection with the beginning of a full-scale military invasion of our country, passenger transport assumed responsibility for the timely evacuation of people and their safe relocation to other regions of the country or abroad. Due to the fact that railway transport is of strategic importance for Ukraine, its infrastructure has increased risks of destruction. Each destruction of the railway infrastructure has serious consequences for the organization of the movement of passenger trains, in particular high-speed trains. Therefore, with the aim of reducing the possible costs of organizing the movement of high-speed passenger trains in the event of the destruction of the railway infrastructure and increasing the reliability of the functioning of the high-speed railway passenger transport system in Ukraine, an automated technology for providing an alternative route for the trains of the branch “Ukrainian Railway High-Speed Company” (UZShK) is proposed. The formation of this technology is considered on the example of the most popular passenger direction, namely - Kyiv-Lviv, the topology of which is represented by a weighted graph, where the vertices are railway stations, and the edges are railway sections with a weight in the form of a tuple (time to overcome each section, presence of electrification, bandwidth). The proposed technology also provides for the possibility of attracting additional “shuttle” trains or road transport, in cases where it is necessary to significantly reduce the travel time by an alternative route or the possibility of the arrival of railway transport to the station where it is necessary to board/disembark passengers is excluded. The formalization of this process was carried out by forming an optimization mathematical model according to the criterion of minimum operating costs. The formation of a set of alternative routes was carried out using the adjacency matrix of the graph representing the Kyiv-Lviv transportation direction. The developed technology is proposed to be integrated in the form of a software product for automated workplaces (AWP) of operative personnel in the form of a decision support system (DSP), the algorithm of which is also given in this publication.