The phenomenon of globalization has contributed to the spread of knowledge. The earliest economic globalization was related to international trade, and the industrial revolution at the beginning of the twentieth century contributed to the later development of international trade. Post-war globalization became dominated by the United States, whose strong political, economic, and military power sustained the hegemonic realist demand for globalization hegemony to prevail in the world. The Hegemonic Stability Theory (HST), the world system, the Bretton Woods system, neoliberalism, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the WTO, and multinational corporations, all of these concepts play an important role in the dissemination of knowledge in the context of globalization, and they also provide room for theoretical explanations and legitimate ways for the US to promote hegemony later on. Hegemony has a profound impact on the development of developing countries. In Taiwan in East Asia, the U.S. has had a long and profound impact on it, from economic and military assistance, to economic and industrial cooperation, to knowledge and cultural exchanges, the U.S. has successfully accomplished the social transformation of Taiwan, and has successfully used knowledge hegemony to control Taiwan’s way of knowledge production and dissemination.
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