1. Ministry of Transport Malaysia, Transport Statistics Malaysia 2021, Malaysia Transportation. 6–10 (2021).
2. End-of-life tyre conversion to energy: A review on pyrolysis and activated carbon production processes and their challenges
3. Recycling waste rubber tyres in construction materials and associated environmental considerations: A review
4. Scott Ewan, MATRDS Urges Government to Tackle Waste Tyre Issue, Tyre And Rubber Recycling, Nov. 14, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://www.tyreandrubberrecycling.com/articles/news/latest-news/matrds-urges-government-to-tackle-waste-tyre-issue/
5. Skinner S., City Hall removes piles of used tyres from Inanam, Likas, Daily Express, May 23, 2023. [Online]. Available: https://www.dailyexpress.com.my/news/213318/city-hall-removes-piles-of-used-tyres-from-inanam-likas/