Kukla Mateusz,Wieczorek Bartosz,Warguła Łukasz
The aim of the study is to determine the most effective isometric exercises required in order to perform MVC (Maximum Voluntary Contraction) tests under given static muscle contraction conditions. To this end, a group of four muscles was defined and on this basis, a series of exercises was selected. During electromyography studies, the electrical activity of the muscles was recorded. The article presents the results obtained for all exercises in the whole group of subjects. The data obtained provide a basis for evaluating and selecting the method of loading the analysed muscles during MVC tests. This is necessary in order to perform a normalization of raw (unprocessed) EMG signal, thus enabling comparison of results between individual subjects. Analyses concerning this kind of diagnosis of the electrical activity of muscles are widely applied in research related to rehabilitation and medicine, sports science, but also ergonomics.
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13 articles.