Azmir N.A.,Ali M.H.,Yahya M.N.,Zaman I.,Zainulabidin M.H.,Madlan M.A.,Ismon M.,Kasron M.Z.
Prolonged exposures to hand-transmitted vibrations from grass-cutting machines have been associated with increasing occurrences of signs of occupational diseases related to the hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). However, there are no specific studies available that cover the health cause-effects of the hand arm vibration risk factors during onsite operations. Therefore, the main objectives of this study are to determine the significant correlation of the objective and subjective measurement variables of the hand arm vibration exposure on hand arm vibration symptoms and disorders. The study was conducted for evaluation of the cause and effect for categorical and continuous variables. Significant sub symptoms element consists of neurological, vascular, musculoskeletal and awareness. Meanwhile, significant sub disorder element consists of loss of hand grip strength and finger blanching that induces to HAVS. The highest correlation significant variable was worked repeatedly done with the forearms and hand with uncomfortable hand position or grip with the value of 0.431. Thus, the cause and effect able to monitor health condition particularly at workers hand due to hand-transmitted vibrations among grass cutters.