Gokul Girish,Shimjith Sreyas Rajgopal,Bandyopadhyay Bijnan
This paper presents a modified version of coupled neutronics - thermal hydraulics model of Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR) for control studies. Earlier reported models assume, for the sake of simplicity, that the steam drum level and pressure are being strictly regulated at their respective set points, thereby neglecting these dynamics. However, such models are not suitable for analysis / controller design for the normal mode (load following mode) of operation of AHWR wherein the demand power setpoint is adjusted with respect to fluctuations in steam pressure. The work reported in this paper bridges this gap by including the steam drum pressure and level dynamics in the model. This leads to a model suitable for investigating control related aspects of all operational modes of the reactor. Efficacy of the proposed model is demonstrated through nonlinear simulations.
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