1. IAEA, The Fukushima Daiichi Accident: Report by the Director-General (IAEA, Vienna, 2015)
2. Republic of Indonesia, Law No. 17 Year 2007 on the National Long-Term Development Plan of 2005 – 2025 (Indonesian Ministry of National Development Plan, Jakarta, 2007)
3. IAEA, Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) Mission to Indonesia, Report No. IAEA-NS-IRRS 2015/10 (IAEA, Vienna, 2015).
4. IAEA, Final EPREV Report: Peer Appraisal of the Arrangements in Indonesia Regarding the Preparedness for Responding to a Nuclear and Radiological Emergency (IAEA, Vienna, 2016)
5. The Republic of Indonesia, Law No. 24 Year 2007 on Disaster Management (Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management, Jakarta, 2007)