Local wisdom based disaster education in Minangkabau society


Damsar ,Indrayani


This paper discusses how local wisdom is the basis for disaster education in Minangkabau society. Local wisdom forms the stock of knowledge and practices which is deemed wise and sensible to the various environmental problems, including the issue of disaster. This research aims to find the source of learning of local wisdom and its implementation on disaster management in Minangkabau society. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach, where in-depth interview and observation as data collection tool. In-depth interviewees are 29 people, i.e. 20 people come from ordinary people and 9 people come from leaders (traditional, religious, and community leaders). Observations were conducted on a variety social institutions that contribute to disaster education through various emergency response and recovery activities after the Padang earthquake on September 30, 2009. Data analyses are based on Miles and Huberman models. The results of the research show there are 5 learning resources from Minangkabau local institutions, namely family, “lapau” (traditional coffee house), “surau” (prayer house), “tapian tampek mandi” (the local public bath), and traditional art performances. Through these 5 institutions, the Minangkabau have sources of local wisdom values to face disasters. In case of a disaster, local wisdom is implemented in house construction through the tradition of “gotong-royong” (mutual help), especially in rural areas strengthened by fund-raising based on villages, tribes, and regions by Minang people in overseas.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

Reference16 articles.

1. Damsar, (Introduction to rural sociology) (Prenadamedia Group, Jakarta, 2016)

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3. Local Wisdom, Environmental Protection and Community Development: The Clam Farmers in Tambon Bangkhunsai, Phetchaburi Province, Thailand

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